Consumer Credit Information and Compliance for Employers EMPLOYMENT CREDIT COMPLIANCE Consumer credit information is uniquely sensitive information that may be included in a background report. Employers should...
Employer Compliance Procedures Employer Responsibilities Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, Employers (aka End-Users) have certain responsibilities and obligations when using Background Check...
Ban-the-Box Ban-the-Box is a nationwide movement to remove questions regarding an applicant’s criminal history from initial job applications. Laws have been...
Wage History Restrictions Recently states and cities have started to pass laws and ordinances that restrict an employer from seeking wage history during...
7 Year Reporting Restrictions (Criminal) – State specific When the FCRA was originallly enacted in 1970, there was a restriction on reporting criminal records older than 7 years. ...
Pre-Employment Drug Testing – State/local laws Some states have enacted laws that regulate the use of drug screening in the background screening process. The laws can...
LA Unincorporated County Ordinance Compliance, September 2024 Due to the additional employer requirements found in the recent LA Unincorporated County Ordinance, the current FA CSS automated product...